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Waterfowl and Agriculture: review and Future Representative of the Crop Damage Conflict in Europe

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These proceedings are the outcome of the international workshop”Farmers and Waterfowl: Conflict or Coexistance” held in Lelystad in the Netherlands in October 1991 and convened by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature management and Fisheries, the Netherlands in co-operation with the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau. In total almost 70 participants from 16 Europe countires and Canada attended the meeting.

Proceedings of the International Workshop “Farmers and Waterfowl: Conflict or Coexistence”, Lelystad, Netherlands, Oct. 1991. Language(s): English. Author(s): Marc van Roomen & Jesper Madsen (eds). Date of Publication: 1991. ISBN: 09626271.

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