80,000 Scientists Urgently Calls for Cuts to Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The world’s leading aquatic scientific societies have come together to state the need for urgent cuts to global greenhouse gas emissions to avoid dire consequences.
Over 80,000 scientists, represented by 110 aquatic scientific societies, have joined forces with the American Fisheries Society (AFS) in an unprecedented science-based statement calling for urgent cuts to global greenhouse gas emissions. The European Federation for Freshwater Sciences (EFFS, http://www.freshwatersciences.eu) and its federated societies, bringing together nearly 5,000 freshwater scientists across Europe, have actively participated in the preparation and refining of the statement that presents the dire consequences for aquatic resources the world will face without significant and fast action.
The societies call for drastically curtailed global greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the worst impacts of man-made climate change to aquatic ecosystems and their ecosystem services that benefit humankind. Unless urgent action is taken to reduce emissions, scientists predict catastrophic impacts on these, as well as human health and global economies.
The statement presents scientific evidence of the effects of climate changes on marine resources, freshwater resources and the effects on world society dependent on aquatic resources, as well as the needed responses.
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