European freshwater fish are amongst the most threatened taxonomic groups. According to the 2024 Living Planet Index report, migratory freshwater fish declined by 75% since 1970. Our Trans-European Swimways Programme aims to identify, conserve, and restore their migration routes.
According to the European Red List of Freshwater Fishes, 39% of the freshwater fish species in the EU are threatened and a further 4% are near threatened. According to the EEA’s State of Nature in the EU report, about 80% of the fish species listed in the EU Habitats Directive have a bad or poor conservation status. The main causes of the decline of freshwater fish species include modifications of hydrological flows, physical alterations of waterbodies, and hydropower installations.
European swimways are interrupted by more than 1 million barriers, such as dams and dikes, and the disrupted connectivity and habitat degradation significantly reduce the extent of available habitats and the access of migratory fish to them.
Our Swimways Programme aims to support the recovery of migratory fish through the Trans-European Swimways Network (TEN-S) that brings together local and national NGOs, researchers, and government agencies interested and responsible for conserving and managing migratory fish and their habitats.
This fosters international cooperation, improves scientific knowledge and guidance, supports strengthening EU policies, and accelerates implementation.
Why the term “swimways”?
The Swimways movement is inspired by the successes of the flyways approach. The TEN-S is the European implementation of the global swimway programme. Swimways are rivers and their associated ecosystems that support the entire migration routes of biologically and/or socioeconomically important freshwater fishes.
The Global Swimways Programme created a first global online swimways map using IUCN’s species range maps.
Trans-European Swimways Programme
While local conservation initiatives for certain species and river restoration currently exist, there is a need for a more joined-up approach for the conservation of migratory fish across all of Europe. In 2022, the TEN-S developed the Trans-European Swimways Programme, which is the regional implementation of the Global Swimways Programme. It assesses the current status of migratory freshwater fish in Europe, the threats they face, and ongoing conservation efforts, then uses these elements to build a framework for action. See the full programme report below:
In 2023, we developed a first set of biological criteria to identify Swimways of European Importance (SEI). This work resulted in the identification of 392 Swimways across Europe. These preliminary results are to be refined in the upcoming years through the development of economic and cultural criteria and build an accurate SEI inventory. Download below the first-ever inventory of the Swimways of European Importance (SEI):
Our Goals
- Raise public and political awareness about migratory freshwater fish and the need of increasing river connectivity in Europe to restore their ranges and populations.
- Connect diverse stakeholders from across the continent to create a stronger voice for protecting migratory freshwater fish, share best practices.
- Contribute to the ongoing implementation of the EU Nature Restoration Law and other EU legislation by ensuring migratory freshwater fish species, populations and habitats are duly considered, protected, and restored.
Get Involved!
We welcome any organisations or individuals with an interest in migratory freshwater fish conservation to join the Trans-European Swimways Network (TEN-S).
To join TEN-S, please write to the Biodiversity Policy Officer, Emma Cordier, at [email protected].
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