Vote for the Nature Restoration Law: citizens show support
A recent representative survey conducted by Savanta, an independent research agency, shows that 75% of citizens agree in Poland, Finland, Sweden, Italy, The Netherlands and Hungary with adopting an EU law that would make it mandatory for member states to restore some of the nature we have lost, and only 6% disagree. (See further details here).
This result is interesting as these countries oppose the adoption of the proposed EU Nature Restoration Law in the European Council, which was already adopted by the European Parliament earlier this year. Their opposition is halting the process of restoring 20% of the EU’s land and seas, and blocking the EU from delivering on its own Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and to deliver on its international commitments.
The fate of the proposal will be decided at the European Council meeting on the 17th of May. We hope that these countries will change their position and represent what most of their citizens want.