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Up-scaling community resilience through eco-drr

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To celebrate the International Day for DRR (13 Oct) dedicated this year to Target (d) of the Sendai Framework Reduce disaster damage to critical infrastructure and disruption of basic services“, DG DEVCO, together with Wetlands international and Partners for Resilience will hold a lunch conference on 24th October from 12.30 to 14.00 to present the programme “Up-scaling community resilience through ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction”.

Financed by DG DEVCO and led by UN Environment, overall objective of the three years (2019-2021) project is to upscale Eco-DRR approaches into practice and policy making for building community resilience to water induced disaster risk. Two case studies applying eco-drr solutions as a win win option to reduce disaster risk and achieve sustainable development will be presented.

The event will be web-streamed.

To register, click here (Link not available at the moment)

Venue: The External Cooperation Infopoint – European Commission, Rue de la Loi, 43 1000 Bruxelles