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Pantanal: Our Inheritance and Our Legacy

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Venue: Esplanade Solidarność 1980, Place du Luxembourg 100, 1050 Ixelles

 We are bringing the Pantanal wetland to the heart of the EU for an outdoor photography exhibition in Brussels 

The Pantanal, which spans Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay, is the world’s largest tropical wetland. It is home to numerous traditional communities and unique, endangered wildlife found nowhere else.

However, less than 5% of the Pantanal is protected. The climate crisis, the intensification of cattle ranching, the expansion of monocultures like soy, mining, hydroelectric projects, and other destructive human activities are pushing the biome to the brink of collapse.

With less visibility than other ecosystems in the region such as the Amazon, this precious ecosystem is experiencing a silent demise.

Through this exhibition, we are working to ensure the cries from the Pantanal do not go unheard.

Featuring the work of 11 incredible photographers, the exhibition will show visitors the astounding richness and importance of the biome, the threats it faces, and call on those who view it to take action to protect it.