African and European CSOs on key issues in the AU-EU Partnership
Global Europe
Wetlands International Europe joined a group of African and European civil society and youth organisations in a statement on key issues in the AU-EU Partnership.
The group, working as the Africa-Europe Joint Civil Society Engagement Team, aims to establish a structured and permanent mechanism for civil society and youth engagement within the AU-EU Partnership, based on principles of transparency, equal participation, accessibility, and inclusion.
The statement on key issues in the AU-EU Partnership builds upon previous joint positions developed by African and European civil society and tackles aspects of the partnership between the African Union and the European Union which have taken on increased importance and urgency since the 2022 summit.
As reflected by CONCORD, we also hope that this brief statement should serves as a constructive contribution to a continuous and dynamic dialogue which strengthens the partnership, and ensures that it is people-centred and advances the well-being and prosperity of all.
Download the statement in EN and FR [Download not found]