Albania: Red Alert on the Narta Lagoon
Red Alert – Albania. 53 organisations warn of the risks posed by the construction of Vlora Airport within the Narta Lagoon, Albania.
The Narta lagoon in Albania, is a wetland of international importance situated within the boundaries of the Vjosa-Narta Protected Landscape (VNPL), (IUCN Category IV). It is formed by the constant accumulation of solid flow of the Vjosa River, which originates within the Pindus Mountains close to the border between Albania and Greece.

The Vjosa-Narta Protected Landscape
- VNPL is an Emerald candidate Area under the Bern Convention as “Protected Landscape of wetland system Vjose – Narte” (ID AL0000008).
- A site of international importance for several populations of migratory waterbirds listed under AEWA (92 AEWA-listed species).
- The site is an important wetland area, classified as an Important Bird Area (IBA) and a Key Biodiversity Area (KBA), and proposed as an N2000 site (NaturAl project). It contains 11 different habitats, 8 species of reptile and amphibian, 10 species of mammals and 8 fish species covered by the Habitats Directive.
- The area is distinguished for its ecological, historical and archaeological values, habitat diversity and landscape mosaic
In November 2021, two private companies began the construction of an airport within the VNPL – The Vlora Airport without valid permits.
Image: VNPL with the airport concession area in the middle of the protected area

Local NGOs, the Centre for the Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment (PPNEA) and The Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) presented the case to court and initiated an advocacy campaign regarding the threats that Vlora Airport presents to the landscape.
Image: Airport construction, A.Roshi 2022

In May 2023, the Bern Convention, CMS and AEWA published a report highlighting the threats and proposing viable solutions, named “Possible impacts of infrastructure and urbanisation developments particularly Vlora International Airport on the VNPA“.

Report’s Highlights
- Narta is a natural protected area that hosts biodiversity and protects populations from climate change events.
- Serious shortcomings in the airport’s construction process (environmental impact assessment “doesn’t meet the technical, scientific and methodological criteria defined by the legal and regulatory framework”, start of construction without planning permission and without the approval of the EIA, revision of the borders of the Vjosë-Nartë Protected Wetlands Landscape area).
- The exclusion of the Vjosa delta from the National Park is inconsistent.
- A contradiction with international commitments (climate neutrality by 2050 affirmed at COP26, the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People’s target of 30% protected areas).
- The rule of law is an essential condition for membership of the European Union. However, the Albania 2022 report from the European Commission confirms that the construction of the airport is “in contradiction with national law and international biodiversity protection conventions that have already been ratified.” (p.111).
- Non compliance by the Government of Albania with AEWA provisions relating to the protection and management of Vjosa-Narta Protected Landscape, a site of an international importance.
- Possible non compliance with Emerald Network provisions including the species and habitats it protected is most most concerning.
On 22nd of December 2023, the Mediterranean Alliance for Wetlands (MAW) with 53 national and international nature conservation organisations, from 38 countries, called the Albanian Government for compliance with the recommendations of the Bern Convention and the European Union on the suspension of the construction of the Vlora International Airport.
In 2024, we remain focused on advocating about the lagoon importance as a habitat for biodiversity and its cultural and economic values for the local communities, emphasising the need for long-term ecological benefits over short-term economic gains.