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CALL TO ACTION: EU Wetland Partnerships Initiative

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  • Global Europe
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Healthy wetlands offer economic opportunities, support jobs, and provide livelihoods, but they are being lost. Business as usual is not working. We need international partnerships  to mobilise actors and scale finance and investments for climate and nature.

Around the world many governments have already committed to global pledges and initiatives such as Freshwater Challenge, Mangrove Breakthrough. The European Union could play a paramount role in supporting these countries to achieve their climate,  biodiversity and sustainable development goals.

We call on the European Union, its members states and partner countries to cooperate closely through Wetland Partnerships to sustainably manage and restore the world’s most important wetlands, to reduce their degradation and to contribute to sustainable, inclusive economies and societies globally.

The main objective of the Wetland Partnerships will be to apply an integrated approach to reversing wetland degradation in supported countries and consequently enhance climate and biodiversity protection.

Do you want to know more, download our leaflet:
