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Case studies

A list of case studies

  • Batumi Resilience Study

    Wetlands International European Association has worked on the Batumi Resilience Study to analyse the city’s climate resilience challenges and develop conceptual designs for two locations that tackle them in an integrated manner. The study’s partners are Beccan Davila Urbanismo-BDU and Royal Haskoning DHV, with funding from the Dutch Enterprise Agency (RVO). About the city of […]

  • Wetland restoration scenarios to determine ecosystem services trade-offs

    Restoration of the sponge function in wetland soils in sub catchments of larger river systems is a nature-based solution for flood mitigation and drought prevention with potential impact at basin scale. This solution can help deliver multiple policy objectives and societal benefits. Previous studies by Wetlands International and WWF looked at the Rhine river basin […]

  • Case study: River Restoration – River Glaven

    The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) advocates for the protection and restoration of rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and riverine wetlands. There is a demonstrable impact of the WFD in terms of water quality improvement in Europe, mainly at a local scale.This case study of the River Glaven in the UK demonstrates improvements in the ecological […]

  • An in-depth analysis of Natural Water Retention measures in the Rhine basin

    The International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine states that the Rhine has lost 85% of its floodplains. Through time, people have drained sloping hills and valleys for agriculture and urbanization. As a consequence, water travels faster downhill, causing higher flood peaks and longer droughts. Water managers widely agree that by restoring natural drainage conditions […]

  • The natural way to protect the Ebro Delta from drowning

    The delta of the Ebro River has been hit hard by last week’s storm Gloria. One of the most important coastal delta’s of the Mediterranean basin, the Ebro delta provides a particularly important wetland habitat for biodiversity and encompasses over 20,000 hectares of rice fields. However, coastal erosion is threatening ecosystems and livelihoods in the […]

  • Understanding why stakeholders support Natural Water Retention Measures

    Natural water retention measures (NWRM) can help reduce flood and drought risks in Europe. In a previous study, Wetlands International analysed the potential of restoring the sponge function in wetland soils in the Rhine basin as a nature-based solution with potential impacts from local to basin scale. The execution of such projects requires cooperation from […]

  • Restoration of marshes in the Rhine basin for flood and drought risk reduction

    Natural water retention measures can help reduce flood and drought risks in Europe. Restoration of the water storage capacity of marshes in the upstream section of the Rhine river basin is a nature-based solution for water management which could additionally generate socio-economic benefits. Rewetting floodplain marshes is a nature-based solution for retaining water in the […]