CSOs Open Letter calling for full alignment of the reformed Common Agricultural Policy with the European Green Deal
Wetlands International Europe has joined 29 EU civil society organisations and 250 organisations working in coalition in seven Member States have written to the leaders of EU Institutions calling out the mismatch between ongoing negotiations on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the objectives of the European Green Deal.
The signatories of the joint open letter, representing millions of citizens from food, farming, development, climate, environmental, and public health movements raise the alarm at the failure of the negotiations of the CAP reform to deliver the urgent changes needed in the EU’s food system. They urge top EU leaders to translate their commitment to the Green Deal into action by ensuring the reformed CAP is fit to deliver on the objectives of the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies.
The challenges facing Europe are many and complex – from the climate and biodiversity crises, to rural abandonment, growing euro-scepticism, and a looming economic crisis – calling for strong leadership and visionary policies. The European Green Deal can provide this leadership and vision, but only if key policy instruments and resources are mobilised and all levels of government work together to deliver on its promises.
Specifically, the signatories ask the leaders of the EU institutions, to amend the 2018 CAP reform proposal to align with the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies according to three overarching priorities.
- Give the CAP a clear direction and robust governance
- Ensure the CAP does not support or incentivise any harmful practices or practices that are incompatible with the Green Deal
- Empower farmers and rural actors to be drivers of positive change
The full letter, addressed to leaders of EU institutions, urging to amend the 2018 CAP reform proposal to align with the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies is available in this link: https://foodpolicycoalition.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Open-letter-on-CAP-and-Green-Deal_final.pdf
CAP must safeguard and stimulate the preservation of carbon-rich soils though the protection of peatlands. Fully functional, healthy peatlands are the most space efficient long-term carbon store and sink in our planet’s biosphere and can contribute to achieve climate and environmental ambitions of the EU Green Deal.
Do you want to know more on peatlands in the CAP, read our news https://europe.wetlands.org/news/lets-recognize-paludiculture-as-an-eligible-practice-in-the-eus-common-agricultural-policy/