Discover our Trans-European Swimways Programme and illustrated leaflet !
Biodiversity - Swimways
Building on the outcomes of the Swimways online workshop hosted by Wetlands International Europe in October 2022, the Trans-European Swimways Programme and Leaflet are now published, showcasing our action plan to conserve migratory freshwater fish in Europe.
After the launch of the Trans-European Swimways Network during the 2022 European Rivers Summit, Wetlands International Europe, its partners and members of the Network worked to assess the main threats and pressures to migratory freshwater fish species in Europe. A situation analysis was carried out to better grasp the multiple causes of the 93% decline in migratory freshwater fishes in Europe since 1970 according to LPI.
This analysis describes six categories of pressures having a severe impact on migratory freshwater fish: migration barriers, pollution, fishing, invasive alien species, water abstraction and climate change.
The situational analysis served as a starting point for the elaboration of a detailed framework for action, representing an ambitious long-term plan over the next decade. Structured around four objectives, this framework is at the core of the Trans-European Swimways Programme: it encapsulates tangible goals for an improved conservation of migratory freshwater fish species and their habitats by 2030.
Namely, it aims at ensuring that by the end of the decade, migratory freshwater fishes are protected in a coherent, comprehensive, and well-connected network of protected areas. As featured in the Programme’s title, it also intends to establish Trans-European Swimways, along which migratory freshwater fish populations are managed sustainably, while the impact of invasive alien species therein is being reduced. Finally, to attain these necessary conservation objectives, we intend to set-up a robust network of ambassadors for migratory fishes by 2025 throughout Europe to ensure local involvement and action.
The Programme also features an overview of existing international and European legislation to protect and conserve migratory freshwater fish, their migration paths and habitats. But this current legislation is failing to halt the alarming depletion of these fish populations. As reflected in the Framework for Action, legislative gaps need to be explored and policy objectives turned into action to improve the status of migratory freshwater fish species and reverse the decreasing population trends.
The full report can be found through this link.
Alongside this report, an informative leaflet provides a clear overview of the Trans-European Swimways Programme. Its four illustrated pages outline the array of threats contributing to the depletion of migratory freshwater fish populations and allow you to become familiar with the solutions we are working on to reverse this trend.
The leaflet can be downloaded below. Have a look, spread the word, and help us transform fragmented and unhealthy European rivers into safe Swimways for our migratory freshwater fishes!