Eels – “The Great Travellers of the Mediterranean Lagoons”
Biodiversity - Swimways
The European eel is an emblematic species of Mediterranean lagoons, but it is also found in a wide variety of habitats. This species, with its complex and original life cycle, is threatened with extinction today. To ensure its preservation, research actions and management measures are being implemented within the framework of the EU Eel Regulation and national management plans.
Wetlands International Europe’s member organisation Tour du Valat is involved in eel-monitoring activities in the Camargue Delta in France. Scientific monitoring is carried out in order to study elver recruitment at different points in the Delta. To showcase their work and explain the life cycle of the European eel, Tour du Valat has produced a film about “The Great Travellers of the Mediterranean Lagoons” and a highly interesting longread. Both can be accessed on Tour du Valat’s website in English and French.
Header image © Joe Pecorelli, ZSL