EFDRR Open Forum
Wetlands International European Association is in Istanbul to participate at the EFDRR Open Forum with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of healthy ecosystems, especially wetlands, in Disaster Risk Reduction strategies; of the need for land/water use planning and management to enabling action at landscape scale and of risk-informed investments.
The European Forum on Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR) was established during the Meeting of European National Platforms and HFA Focal Points, 11–13 November 2009 in London, UK. EFDRR is intended to serve as a forum to stimulate and facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge among participating National Sendai Framework Focal Points, National Platforms and regional/sub regional partners: it facilitates discussion and advances on disaster risk reduction issues in a coordinated way at the regional level.
In 2015 participants of the 6th EFDRR agreed to organise the EFDRR Open Forum in 2017, formed by multi stakeholders groups, “to be held before and serve as a means to prepare for the Global Platform (22-26 May 2017, Cancun, Mexico), review the advances and challenges in implementing the Sendai Framework and related voluntary commitments in Europe, and trigger the sharing of risk knowledge”.
The EFDRR Open Forum is taking place in Istanbul, Turkey, from 26 March to 28 March and for the first time is open to NGOs,and other stakeholders.
The objectives of the 2017 EFDRR Open Forum are as follows:
- Transforming the commitment of governments and stakeholders made in Sendai during the WCDRR into national and local action.
- Setting the direction to accelerate regional implementation and monitoring of the Sendai Framework.
Wetlands International European Association had an active role in the preparation of this forum, by being part of the organising teams of four technical sessions. Jane Madgwick, CEO of Wetlands International will chair Technical Session 2: Land-use planning and management practices at the local level. Two key recommendations will be provided and will feed into the final outcome document that the EFDRR will share with the Global Platform.
Partners for Resilience, represented by Thandie Mwape, Humanitarian Diplomacy Coordinator, will be also present to promote the Integrated Risk Management approach at the Technical Session 5: Bridging disaster risk reduction and climate change for a sustainable future
Further info will follow.
Full programme here: http://efdrrturkey.org/Programme