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Free, international webinar: Removing “Road Dams” in Europe? 19 January

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Wetlands International – European Association, The US Forest Service, The Nature Conservancy and The World Fish Migration Foundation invite you to the webinar: Removing “Road Dams” in Europe? taking place on 19th January, 2022 from 15:00-18:00 CET. 

This is a free, international webinar which will highlight the need and opportunities to improve road and stream crossings to enhance the biodiversity of rivers across Europe!

River fragmentation from constructed barriers poses one of the greatest threats to freshwater biodiversity and river ecosystem function. In Europe, there are an estimated 1.2 million barriers; over 200,000 of these are mapped culverts/road crossings. Dams and weirs get much needed attention, but river fragmenting culverts and road crossings are more common and often overlooked. These structures have an outsized impact on critical headwater rivers and streams. It’s time to shed light on this critical issue.

We invite all river and restoration practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and students, as well as road planning, maintenance, design and construction experts to join!

The full programme and registration details can be found by following this link. We hope to see you there.