International Seminar on scaling up dam removal as river restoration in Europe
Join us to accelerate dam removals in Europe by attending Connected Rivers – an international seminar on scaling up dam removal as a river restoration tool in Europe in Lisbon, Portugal
Registration is open HERE for the 7th Dam Removal Europe international seminar edition. On May 19th and 20th the focus will be on sharing new dam removal policy developments in Europe: see and hear how some countries have scaled up removing dams so quickly, find out about funding mechanisms, the importance of good communications and how opposition can be overcome. May 21st is a field trip, visiting a potential dam removal/river restoration site in Portugal.
All details about the seminar will be updated weekly on the website: https://damremovalseminars.eu/ As soon as the program is fully confirmed you will be able to find it there.
The event comes at a critical time for European rivers. To reverse the catastrophic decline in freshwater biodiversity, the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 proposes to restore 25,000km of free-flowing rivers by removing barriers. This event will also be the Global Hub of World Fish Migration Day 2022, connecting and promoting events happening around the globe, including special activities online that we will prepare and make sure to announce ahead of time so anyone can join.
Sponsored by Wetlands International Europe, World Fish Migration Foundation, WWF/ Portugal, The Nature Conservancy, APA (Portuguese Environment Agency), LNEC (National Laboratory for Civil Engineering).