Mediterranean Wetlands as Carbon Sinks – LIFE Wetlands4Climate Seminar
Wetlands serve as natural reservoirs that absorb and store carbon and thus deserve particular attention in the light of climate change.
Recently, the LIFE Wetlands4Climate (LIFE19 CCM/ES/001235) has tried to maximize the C-sink capacity of Mediterranean wetlands through practical management actions on wetland vegetation, water, and soils across 10 pilot sites in Spain (http://www.wetlands4climate.eu). In addition, a methodology for a National Voluntary Carbon Standard was developed that is currently under review of the Spanish Ministry of Ecological Transition.
On November 16, 2023 Foundación Global Nature and Wetlands International Europe will host a seminar focusing on the results of the Wetlands4Climate project. The event is scheduled from 08:00 to 10:30 AM in Brussels (Rue d’Edimbourg 26, 1050 Ixelles – Mundo Matongé Fairtrade Room) and is framed as a breakfast meeting, including pastries and coffee. To register for the event, please send an email to [email protected].

During the first part of the workshop the main results regarding the global warming (or cooling) potential of the different management actions, but also costs and co-benefits on biodiversity and society, will be presented to the audience. This comprehensive overview will set the stage for a focused discussion on the European Commission’s proposal on the ‘EU Carbon Removal Certification Framework’ or ‘CRCF’ (2022/0394(COD)). In this second part, particular attention is given to the opportunities and challenges regarding the certification of carbon farming activities from the perspective of wet- and peatlands restauration. To further enrich this dialog, Wetlands International Europe will present its recommendations for the CRCF (https://europe.wetlands.org/publications/wiea-voting-recommendations-crcf/) .