Walking Rivers – Inspire the public to care about their local rivers by walking them
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Calling all river lovers – get ready to showcase your local river!
We invite everyone — organisations, governments, individuals and businesses — to organise a Walking Rivers event on 11 May. Route registration is now open until 7 April.
In 2023, 100 citizens walked 30 km of Madrid’s Manzanares River in one day. This experience inspired CIREF – Iberian Centre for River Restoration to create a worldwide #WalkingRivers day to invite the public to walk along their nearest river.
Organising an event is a fantastic opportunity to connect people with nature and to celebrate and better understand their local rivers by walking at least 10.000 steps along the river (approx. 7 km).
Key dates for organisers:
- Route registration is open from March 7th to April 7th.
- Join us for the first workshop on March 20th to kick off the event.
- The route registration period closes on April 7th.
- Attend the second workshop on April 10th to learn about world routes.
- Finally, mark your calendars for May 11th – it’s Walking Rivers worldwide event day!
For more information and to register your walk, visit this page.
Contact: [email protected]