Why NATURE matters in the next EU Budget: increasing investments in EU external action
Global Europe
On 30th April, Wetlands International European Association, WWF, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), and Conservation International Europe, issued a joint statement “Why NATURE matters in the next EU Budget: increasing investments in EU external action to address current and future challenges”, ahead of the publication of the next Multiannual Financial Framework on 2nd May. We called for an increase of investments in nature and biodiversity across future External Financing Instruments, and to acknowledge the urgency of tackling environmental degradation and biodiversity loss globally as essential elements for achieving Agenda2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals as well as the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
The EU as a global player has a responsibility to act and contribute to reversing these trends. It is at the heart of the EU’s values, objectives and interests to continue to show leadership in promoting the sustainable management of natural resources, biodiversity protection and ecosystem resilience. The next EU Budget is the perfect opportunity to show this leadership and must provide considerable, transparent and predictable funding to support healthy people and planet globally.
We therefore recommend that the EU dedicates a high proportion of its future External Financing Instruments (EFIs) to addressing these challenges
- An increased 50% target for climate AND environment relevant spending should be set across future External Financing Instruments, to deliver actions with clear and identifiable co-benefits across sectors;
- A specific window for biodiversity and natural resources should be defined within future External Financing Instruments, to allow for funding to be channelled directly to environment-related priorities in support of partner countries’ efforts to pursue their own commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity and related multilateral agreements and to contribute to global public goods.
- Effective mainstreaming of environment and climate issues throughout EU EFIs should be ensured, through the inclusion of a requirement in the instruments’ legal basis and in any future Common Implementing Regulation (CIR).
- A consistent and transparent approach to reporting climate and biodiversity finance, both through public funds and leveraging private funds, should be agreed and used by all EU donors (EU institutions and Member States).
- The EU should maintain and expand its support to civil society at all levels throughout future EFIs, including the proposed window for environment and biodiversity.
- A strong commitment to policy coherence for sustainable development should guide the next MFF, to ensure that policies and actions in Europe do not undermine the achievement of sustainable development objectives in partner countries and globally.
Download the document here