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Natural sponges as valuable tools for disaster risk reduction

Published on:
  • Nature based solutions
  • Global Europe

On Monday 14 October 2024, one day after the official celebration of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, Wetlands International Europe joined the expert panel in the webinar “Economic losses from weather- and climate-related extremes in Europe” hosted by the CMCC and the European Environment Agency (EEA).

The event aimed to launch the annual update on the EEA indicator on losses from weather and climate-related extremes and advances in systematic loss collection. Wetlands International Europe was represented by Daphne Willems, director of our partner Stroming Bureau

While the event allowed for vivid discussions on disaster loss data and related initiatives aimed at the collection of such data, Stroming Bureau shared valuable insights from our partnership on the sponges approach to disaster risk reduction. By restoring wetlands and the sponge function of the soil, losses and damages linked to extreme weather events such as floods, droughts or wildfires could be limited.  

 James Daniell, from Risk Layer, also presented insights and added-value from the MYRIAD-EU project, within which Wetlands International Europe is involved as sectoral representative for ecosystems.  

More information about the event is accessible via this link.