
WIEA’s contribution to the hearings of Commissioners-designate

Starting from 30 September the European Parliament will be holding a series of hearings to Ursula von der Leyen’s Commissioners-designate. Public hearings will carry on […]


AEWA Eurasian Curlew Meeting

The AEWA International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Eurasian Curlew was adopted by the 6th Meeting of the Parties in 2015. […]


Dam removal can help achieve Horizon Europe’s mission for healthy inland waters

Wetlands International – European Association and the World Fish Migration Foundation recommend the European Commission to include dam removal as a priority topic for investment […]


Trends in biodiversity in Mediterranean wetlands through the eyes of experts

Several pressures related to land-use change, such as fragmentation, drainage or pollution, are currently threatening Europe’s wetlands [1]. This has resulted in 51% of wetland-related […]


EDD19. Discussing how to address water threats to promote peaceful and inclusive societies

The degradation of Sahelian wetlands leads to water and food scarcity and further land degradation and can affect the social, economic and political stability of […]


Benefits of Water Framework Directive implementation

The following brief presents at-a-glance benefits from implementing the Water Framework Directive and Flood Directive in eight cases involving river restoration measures to improve ecological […]


EDD19 Lab Debate: Water, Peace and Security. Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies by addressing water threats

On 19th June 2019 Wetlands International European Association together with World Resources Institutes, International Alert Europe and Partners for Resilience will be present at the […]


The future of EU rivers: New paper exposes business lobbies’ wish list of destruction

Unsustainable industries, including industrial agriculture, hydropower, and coal mining, are lobbying for devastating changes to the EU water law – the Water Framework Directive (WFD). […]


Weakening the EU Water Law: Industry’s Wish List

This briefing by the Living Rivers Europe coalition shows that unsustainable industries, including industrial agriculture, hydropower and coal mining, are lobbying for devastating changes to […]


Paludiculture presents the necessary paradigm shift towards sustainable peatland use with global climate benefits

Wetlands International European Association together with Greifswald Mire Centre met with EU actors on post 2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its effect on farming […]