
Natural Infrastructure for Business Training Course

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development, together with UNEP, and in collaboration with Wetlands International, Arcadis and Shell, has developed a 1-day Training Course on […]


The Common Pochard – becoming less common

Did you know the German name for Common Pochard is ‘Tafelente’, which means duck as game? It stresses the fact that, at least in Germany, […]


Message from our CEO on World Wetlands Day 2016

The precipitous loss of wetlands and freshwater biodiversity over the last decades has been widely reported – and alongside this, many organisations, including Wetlands International, […]


Reducing human impacts to benefit the magnificent Shoebill

The prehistoric looking Shoebill has, for a bird, exceptionally large feet: the middle toe reaches 17 to 18,5 cm. These feet assist the bird to […]


Why #WaterbirdsCount: January

As part of our campaign to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the International Waterbird Census, we asked our partners to share their favourite images of […]


Conserving wetland birds for 50 years: Let’s make it count!

To mark the 50th count of the International Waterbird Census (IWC), Wetlands International has launched a year-long campaign “Let’s make it count” in partnership with […]



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Innovative solutions to reduce emissions from coastal engineering

One of the greatest challenges in coastal engineering is reducing the carbon footprint, according to Sander Dekker and Hedwig Thorborg – who are working with […]


Netherlands signs new partnership with civil society to help disaster-prone regions

UNFCCC COP21, Paris – Minister Ploumen of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation signed an agreement for a new five-year ‘strategic partnership’ with five Dutch agencies […]


Joint paper on the Action for Biodiversity in the EU and the Fitness Check of the Birds and Habitats Directives

This joint NGO position paper argues that while a lot remains to be done in Europe to halt biodiversity loss and restore damaged ecosystems, the […]