
Upcoming TEN-S webinar : “Monitoring European Swimways”

Salmons, eels, trouts, shads, sturgeons and many other fish species migrate in our European rivers. Monitoring their movements is a fascinating and key element of […]


Event: The environmental and human impacts of raw material extraction: Lithium in the High Andes, Argentina

NOTE: THIS EVENT WAS CANCELED AND POSTPONED TO 30th JANUARY 2024 Tuesday, 14 November 2023 – 18:00 to 18:45 (CET) Join us for an interactive […]


NGOs: Portugal and Spain fail to comply with the UN Water Convention on transboundary rivers

14 environmental and civil society organisations have joined forces to urge the Portuguese and Spanish governments to increase their cooperation and elaborate strategies and plans […]


100+ NGOs reply to the European Commission to refute inaccuracies on the environmental impacts of hydropower

Wetlands International Europe joined 100+ NGOs in an open letter to EU policymakers to respond to misrepresentations on the environmental impacts of hydropower. The European […]


Freshwater crisis: NGO coalition calls for new EU Climate and Water Resilience Law

Wetlands International Europe is one of six NGOs asking for a new “EU Climate and Water Resilience Law” that prioritises restoring and protecting freshwater ecosystems […]


Wetlands International Europe – part of the Global Gateway Civil Society and Local Authorities Dialogue Platform

Wetlands International Europe has been chosen as a member of the Global Gateway Civil Society and Local Authorities Dialogue Platform (GG Dialogue Platform). The Policy […]


Event: Mediterranean Wetlands as Carbon Sinks – LIFE Wetlands4Climate Seminar on 16.11.2023

Wetlands serve as natural reservoirs that absorb and store carbon and thus deserve particular attention in the light of climate change. Recently, the LIFE Wetlands4Climate […]


Reconnecting the Latorica river floodplain transboundary project in Slovakia and Ukraine awarded planning grant

Wetlands International Europe was awarded one of nine landscape and seascape restoration initiatives recently announced by the Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme, managed by the […]


Wetlands International Europe’s Voting Recommendations for the EU Carbon Removal Certification Framework

In view of the negotiations taking place in the European Parliament, Wetlands International Europe’s developed Voting Recommendations for negotiations on the EU Carbon Removal Certification […]


Wetlands as game-changers for climate change mitigation and adaptation

This article was co-written by members of MYRIAD-EU from CICERO (Anne Sophie Daloz, Lin Ma and Miriam Stackpole Dahl) and Wetlands International Europe (Michelle Zheng […]