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Report on the MYRIAD-EU and CLIMAAX Workshop

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  • Nature based solutions

We are pleased to announce the release of a comprehensive report on the workshop co-hosted by MYRIAD-EU and CLIMAAX during the 8th European Civil Protection Forum on June 5, 2024, in Brussels. 

 The workshop, entitled “Reducing Risks Together: Bridging Disaster Resilience and Climate Adaptation Strategies”, aimed at integrating multi-hazard assessments and nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation to enhance the implementation of the five EU Disaster Resilience Goals (DRGs).  

The MYRIAD-EU project introduced a harmonised framework for multi-hazard, multi-sector risk management developed across five European pilot regions through comprehensive risk assessment pathways. 

The CLIMAAX project showcased its climate risk assessment toolbox, emphasizing the alignment of disaster risk reduction strategies with climate adaptation. The focus was on building local and regional resilience to tackle climate-related challenges and reduce disaster risks effectively.  

This workshop enabled vivid group discussions on each DRG, reflecting on the need for improved climate risk scenarios, early warning systems, and cross-sectoral coordination. Key challenges such as securing funding, enhancing cross-border cooperation, and integrating climate adaptation into disaster response strategies were discussed. Emphasis was placed on making climate risk information accessible locally and empowering regions to conduct risk assessments to create actionable plans. 

The workshop marked a step towards integrated disaster risk management and climate adaptation strategies, bridging gaps between policy, practice, and research to provide actionable ideas to implement DRGs across the EU.  

To learn more about the workshop, discussions, and key outcomes, please download and read the full report available below.  

Workshop report at the European Civil Protection Forum 2024