
Managing vegetation along natural watercourses to support healthier aquatic ecosystems

How can we improve vegetation management along natural watercourses to support healthier aquatic ecosystems? This video animation is produced by CIRF as part of the […]


The case for including wetlands in new EU rules on deforestation-free supply chains

The European Parliament and Council today reached a provisional agreement on an EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains. The text fails to include wetlands and […]


Policy makers, experts discuss role of EU biodiversity strategy in freshwater fish conservation

Policy makers from the European Commission, NGOs and researchers gathered together in late November to discuss the conservation of freshwater fishes in Europe in the […]


New EU carbon removal certification rules should protect nature, wetlands

New EU rules on certifications for carbon removals can help to mobilise private sector funding for the restoration of wetlands, however EU legislators need to […]


International Waterbird Census coordinators meet to discuss counts, 2023 plans

Coordinators for the International Waterbird Census met in November to share updates from their 2022 counts and plans for the upcoming 2023 surveys. The coordinators […]


Blog: Wetlands are our ‘life insurance’ yet we continue to neglect them

Europe’s record breaking summer of high temperatures, heat waves and droughts exposed the vulnerability of our agricultural systems, forestry management, energy mix and economies to […]


Upscaling community resilience through ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction

From 6 to 18 November countries met in Egypt at the UN Climate Conference, COP27 to discuss climate adaptation and mitigation opportunities to achieve the […]


Civil society, European Commission discuss wetlands for community resilience ahead of EU-AU Commission-to-Commission meeting

On 28 November, Wetlands International Europe contributed to round 3 (‘Building resilience for people through sustainable food systems, tackling climate and environmental crises, and humanitarian […]


Draft report on EU’s transport roadmap published

This draft report published on the EU Transport Roadmap by the European Parliament suggests that unsustainable projects will not receive EU funding. This means that […]


Wetlands International Europe members, experts share experiences on voluntary carbon markets

On 10 November, Wetlands International held an online workshop aimed at sharing their experiences and advice on the Do’s and Don’ts of Voluntary Carbon Markets […]