
Feedback from Wetlands International Europe on the EU 2030 biodiversity strategy roadmap

The Communication on the “European Green Deal” released by the European Commission in December 2019 is a positive step towards integrated efforts to protect natural […]


Native Oyster experts agree on monitoring methods for oyster habitat restoration

With an estimated decline of 95% since the 19th century, native oyster reefs are now one of the most threatened marine habitats in Europe. In some regions, native […]


New trends for wintering waterbirds in the EU

Starting this year, the European Association of Wetlands International has started producing a dashboard presenting a quick overview of the trends of the wintering waterbird […]


Christmas comes early for rivers and nature: European Commission concludes EU water law is “fit for purpose”

The European Commission’s final evaluation of EU water legislation has concluded the EU Water Framework Directive to be “fit for purpose”, acknowledging that the objectives […]


COP25: Conserving, restoring and safeguarding wetlands to achieve climate goals

From 2 to 13 December 2019 Madrid is hosting the UN Climate Change Conference, COP25. In the opening ceremony leaders made clear that serious progress […]


World Fish Migration Foundation and Wildlife Forever joining forces to promote aquatic conservation

World Fish Migration Foundation is partnering with Wildlife Forever to promote aquatic conservation through art by collaborating on their State-Fish Art contest! As a part […]


International Waterbird Census 2020

January 2020 will be the 54th count season of the annual International Waterbird Census. The IWC is a vital data source for understanding waterbird population […]

European peatland strategies workshop

On 28 and 29 October 2019, experts and stakeholders of the public sector and civil society from EU Member States and other European countries met […]


WIEA’s contribution to the hearings of Commissioners-designate

Starting from 30 September the European Parliament will be holding a series of hearings to Ursula von der Leyen’s Commissioners-designate. Public hearings will carry on […]


AEWA Eurasian Curlew Meeting

The AEWA International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Eurasian Curlew was adopted by the 6th Meeting of the Parties in 2015. […]