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NGOs call for effective implementation of the Deforestation Law

Published on:
  • Global Europe

Today, 29 June 2023, the Deforestation-free products Regulation enters into force and Wetlands International Europe together with over 150 organisations from 40 countries is calling on EU governments to take their new obligations seriously and start preparing to enforce this crucial new law. The next 18 months will be critical to ensuring member states put new arrangements in place to ensure this ground-breaking law is as good in practice as it is on paper.

Products free from wetland degradation are not currently included in the scope of the regulation, however there is the opportunity for these to be included when the rules are revised in 2025. Good implementation of the regulation is therefore necessary to ensure the rules are effective ahead of the revision process.

Please find below the statement in English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Polish, Italian, Romanian.









Check also on the #together4forests website