Nominations open for European Dam Removal Award 2022
Rivers and Lakes
The second edition of the annual Dam Removal Europe Award is now open for nominations until 6 March. The winner will receive a prize of €10,000 towards their next removal project.
As a partner in Dam Removal Europe, we’re celebrating the most innovative and inspiring barrier removals of 2022 on European rivers by serving on the jury selecting the winner of the Dam Removal Europe Award.
If you and your team have realised an inspiring dam removal project in 2022, Dam Removal Europe want to hear about it! Submissions are open until 6 March 2023 for the award. The five finalists will be invited to the upcoming UK Dam Removal Europe Conference in Manchester 18-19 May 2023, where the winner will be announced.
The purpose of the award is to recognise the achievements of the civil society coalitions who have completed successful removals and encourage them to continue working towards dam removals in the future.
Information on eligibility, how to apply, the selection criteria and rules is available on the Dam Removal Europe website: https://damremoval.eu/dam-removal-award-2022/