Our position on the draft EU Nature Restoration Law
In this paper, Wetlands International Europe sets out its position on the proposed Nature Restoration Law, in response to the Commission’s public consultation, in particular provisions related to wetlands, including peatlands and rivers, and wetland-dependent species.
Wetlands International Europe welcomes the proposal and calls on the European Parliament and Council to adopt an even more ambitious regulation and put the EU at the forefront of resolving the interlinked global crises of climate change and biodiversity loss, by restoring wetland habitats, such as rivers, lakes, marshes, peatlands and coastal habitats.
The European Commission presented its legislative proposal on the restoration of Europe’s ecosystems on 22 June 2022. The draft law is the first of its kind, explicitly targeting the recovery of Europe’s damaged habitats.
The position document also contains a briefing, drafted by the Greifswald Mire Centre / Michael Succow Foundation and Wetlands International Europe, setting out our detailed position on peatlands within the Nature Restoration Law (“Higher ambition for Peatlands in the EU Nature Restoration Law Proposal”).