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Why LULUCF cannot ensure that bioenergy reduces emissions

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This briefing launched by 11 NGOs contains an analysis of the reasons ‘Why LULUCF cannot ensure that bioenergy reduces emissions’ and a series of recommendations to the European Commission which is currently reviewing the sustainability of uses and sources of bioenergy for the period after 2020.

They will also propose a new policy on how to include the land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector in the EU’s 2030 climate and energy framework.

Due to the loopholes in the LULUCF accounting system, the coalition recommends that:

  • the EU strengthens LULUCF policy, and adopts additional policy measures to ensure that bioenergy delivers robust greenhouse gas emission savings;
  • the EU introduces a cap on the amount of bioenergy that can be counted towards 2030 renewable energy and climate targets;
  • the EU legislates against the use of high risk biomass sources and introduces a minimum threshold for the efficiency of energy production systems.

Why LULUCF cannot ensure that bioenergy reduces emissions