Removing “Road Dams” in Europe? – Webinar
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The World Fish Migration Foundation, The United States Forest Service, and The Nature Conservancy hosted a 3 hour, international webinar highlighting the need and opportunities to improve road and stream crossings to enhance the biodiversity of rivers across Europe! This took place on the 19th of January from 15:00-18:00 Central European Time (CET).
Our very own Yurena Lorenzo participated in this Webinar! The whole webinar can be watched again by following the link below:
For ease of reference, please look at the times of this event as per the youtube video
- 0:00 Opening – Yurena Lorenzo;
- 6:10 – What is the problem with culverts and road-crossings? – Nat Gillespie;
- 16:15 – 200.000 culverts! An overview of Europe’s current status, policies and research needs regarding culverts and road crossings. – Carlos García de Leaniz and Stephanie Januchowski-Hartley, Swansea University, Wales;
- 42:27 – Stream simulation principles and applications in the USA. – Bob Gubernick, US Forest Service, USA;
- 49:41 – The Deculverting Project. Interview in the field. – Luke Bryant, West Cumbria Rivers Trust & George Heritage, Dynamic Rivers, UK;
- 1:35.11 – Culverts in Sweden and lessons learned from the REMIBAR project – Sofia Perä, County Administrative Board of Norrbotten, Sweden;
- 1:49.04 – Opening up headwaters in Maine (USA) – Joshua Royte, Nature Conservancy Maine, USA;
- 2:03.59 – Stepping inside a culvert. – Mark Weinhold, US Forest Service, USA;
- 2:13.10 – Restoring river connectivity in Finland by opening up and retrofitting culverts. – Jenny Jyrkänkallio-Mikkola, WWF Finland;
- 2:28.49 – Guidance for practitioners! – Marq Redeker, CDM Smith, Germany & Stéphane WEIL, CATER Calvados Orne Manche, France, and,
- 2:35.59 – How can ‘deculverting’ become business as usual in Europe. – Kim Aarestrup, Danish Technical University, Denmark.