Road to the COP30: shaping the future of wetlands in the EU Climate agenda
Global Europe
An afternoon to celebrate crucial wetlands, essential for their ecological richness and climate value, in a special gathering at the European Parliament
On September 24th, we will bring together MEPs to emphasise the critical role of wetlands in combating global heating, ahead of COP30 in Belém, Brazil, in November 2025. This event aims to galvanise support for, and enhance understanding of the potential of EU Wetland Partnerships – international agreements in which the EU would support third countries to reverse wetland degradation, promote restoration and sustainable management, and enhance climate and biodiversity protection. Click here to register.
There will be a particular focus on the Pantanal in Brazil – the world’s largest tropical wetland –
and the need for the EU and third countries to collaborate to conserve and sustainably manage
this biome for the prosperity of the communities, including indigenous and traditional communities, that inhabit this globally significant wetland. Today the Pantanal is, once more, being severely affected by wildfires that are spanning out of control. More than 1.4 million hectares have burnt this year alone and local communities, organisations and researchers fear that the tragedy experienced in 2020 could be repeated. The Pantanal is in the beginning of the dry season, but fires are already spreading fast, reportedly 1000% higher than what has been registered last year.

The primary aim of the event is to educate attendees about these vital ecosystems, highlighting their role in combating climate change, supporting diverse species, providing economic and social benefits, and the urgent need to protect them from numerous threats.The event will also bring Brazilian authorities and activists who have witnessed first hand the destruction of the Pantanal and focus on raising questions and providing answers about how the EU could contribute to the protection of wetlands and how they can be included in the EU’s climate agenda priorities and at COP30 in Belém, Brazil.
Wetlands are essential to all life on Earth, serving as home to nearly 40% of the world’s plant and animal species and playing a vital role in climate regulation by absorbing 50 times more carbon than rainforests. They provide water, food and livelihoods for over 1 billion people globally. At a time when these critical biomes need urgent protection, guests will have the opportunity to learn about these precious ecosystems and how to protect them for future generations through a dedicated hearing with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), followed by a photo exhibition and networking reception.