Stakeholder consultation on EU Peace and Security programme
Global Europe
On 8 and 9 November, Wetlands International Europe participated in the stakeholder consultation on the Annual Action Programme (AAP) 2023 for the Neighbourhood Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe (NDICI-GE) Thematic Programme on Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention organised by the European Peace Liaison Office (EPLO) in the context of the Civil Society Dialogue Network (CSDN) Funding Instruments Meeting (FIM).
The overall objective of the meeting was to gather input from representatives of civil society organisations (CSOs) and other stakeholders in order to contribute to reflections on the drafting of the AAP 2023. It also provided CSO representatives and other stakeholders with opportunities to ask questions about the implementation of the programme to the European Commission and European External Action Service officials responsible for it.
The meeting minutes are available here.