
Why #WaterbirdsCount: March

As part of our campaign to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the International Waterbird Census, we asked our partners to share their favourite images of […]


Why #WaterbirdsCount: February

As part of our campaign to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the International Waterbird Census, we asked our partners to share their favourite images of […]


The Common Pochard – becoming less common

Did you know the German name for Common Pochard is ‘Tafelente’, which means duck as game? It stresses the fact that, at least in Germany, […]


Reducing human impacts to benefit the magnificent Shoebill

The prehistoric looking Shoebill has, for a bird, exceptionally large feet: the middle toe reaches 17 to 18,5 cm. These feet assist the bird to […]


Why #WaterbirdsCount: January

As part of our campaign to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the International Waterbird Census, we asked our partners to share their favourite images of […]


“To lead or follow?” That is the question for Ramsar

As I leave behind the vast and wild beauty of Uruguay’s coasts, I have some mixed feelings about the progress made at the 12th Ramsar […]


Why do we care about wetlands?

Throughout history wetlands have been integral to human survival and development. How? Simple: Wetlands are life – food, water, fibre. We depend on them – people, […]


Is development stuck in a destructive rut?

Or can we dream of a new world where ecology, economy and society are re-connected? As Wetlands International, we know that it is vital to […]


Why are wetlands important to you?

At the recent Wetland Solutions Stakeholder Forum in Rotterdam held on 22 September 2014, we interviewed some of our stakeholders on why wetlands are important […]