African-Eurasian Waterbird Census
Since 1967, we have coordinated the International Waterbird Census (IWC), one of the largest and longest running citizen-based global waterbird count in the world. Data from the census helps identify and manage important wetland sites and supports the adaptive management of waterbird populations. The African-Eurasian Waterbird Census (AEWC) is a regional programme of the IWC, covering all of Africa, Europe and large parts of South-West and Central Asia. Find out more through the IWC information portal. If you are looking for information on a particular country or region, please contact the relevant national coordinator(s). For more information about the IWC and other waterbird monitoring activities in the region, read further on this page, then read about the Waterbird Monitoring Partnership.
Major outputs from the AEWC
Waterbird population trends and estimates
- All the latest trends and estimates are available from the Waterbird Populations Estimates portal: wpe.wetlands.org
- The 6th edition of the Conservation Status Review (CSR6) can be downloaded from the AEWA website: www.unep-aewa.org
- Background documents supporting the CSR6: www.wetlands.org/publications
Annual National Count Totals
We produce summaries of counts from the International Waterbird Census (IWC) every December, covering the latest four years.
Critical Site Network Tool
This tool gives information on the sites critical for waterbird species in the African-Eurasian flyway. Population boundaries can also be viewed from this tool. It is designed to help a range of different users from site managers to national authorities and international organisations: csntool.wingsoverwetlands.org/csn/default.html
Other useful reports
These reports are not regularly produced but give a good idea of the variety of uses and importance at different scales of the AEWC:
- A Pilot Wintering Waterbird Indicator for the European Union
- Sustainable management of huntable migratory waterbirds
- Understanding site trends in the flyway context
- Status of coastal waterbird populations in the East Atlantic Flyway 2014
Historical reports
If you are looking for a report or publication that is not available in a digital format, contact us at [email protected].
Requesting AEWC data
The aim of the International Waterbird Census is to support waterbird research at regional or flyway scale. On request we may make the data available for researchers or students.
Please review the Terms of Use in the IWC Data Request Form before requesting AEWC data. In particular please note the following conditions:
- The data remains the property of the national schemes that collected them. Information at a national or sub-national level can only be released with the written consent of the relevant national coordinator. The national coordinators will have one month to query the request or to object the release of their data.
- A data handling fee is normally applied to cover the staff time required to service the data request. For exemptions, please see the Terms of Use in the data request form.
Data requests forms can be returned to [email protected].
Guidance and reporting forms
Protocol for waterbird counting : A general introduction to counting waterbirds for the International Waterbird Census. Français العربية
Digitising Site Boundaries : Drawing the boundaries of a site or count area on a map is key to ensuring consistent coverage from year to year. This is a simple guidance to the various options to make digital boundaries for sites. Français Português
Using Observation.org to report counts : Observation.org collects casual records of bird (or other species) observations. This document explains how to use this system to efficiently collect IWC counts from observers. Some time investment is needed to set-up and promote the system for a country, but once established it can vastly increase the speed of data collection, validation and analyses. Français
Using the IWC online system to report counts : The IWC online system was primarily designed to allow National Coordinators to manage the data submitted to the IWC, and this manual gives an introduction to the available functions.
Useful Excel functions to analyse IWC data : Excel is a powerful tool for organising, presenting and analysing information. This document introduces some useful functions commonly required for national schemes, such as making national overview reports. Français
Data submission form : This is the standard data submission form to the IWC, which is compatable with the IWC online system. Français
Support the counts
You can support the AEWC through the Waterbird Fund. You can also find out more or directly support the counts in your country by contacting your national coordinator.