#ProtectWater NGOs send open letter to EU decision-makers
Ahead of the Environment Council meeting on 5th of March, over 100 civil society organisations have sent an open letter to the three EU decision-making bodies. They request a firm commitment of non-revision of the Water Framework Directive in accordance with the good conclusions of the Fitness Check of the Water Framework and Floods Directives.
The letter urges Commissioner Sinkevičius (Environment, Oceans and Fisheries), Minister Ćorić (President-in-office of the Environment Council) and Pascal Canfin (Chair, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) to conclude the Fitness Check evaluation of the EU’s flagship water law – the EU Water Framework Directive – by firmly announcing that the Water Framework Directive will not be amended, in accordance with the fitness check conclusions, and to focus on addressing the implementation gaps identified in the evaluation, including through the European Green Deal initiatives.
Despite unprecedented support to preserve the Water Framework Directive in its current form, the future of the Directive remains uncertain. Therefore, the NGOs involved in the #ProtectWater campaign call on the EU to act on its declared ambitions to reinforce implementation and offer their support to overcoming the gaps.
The open letter can be downloaded below.