European Forum Disaster Risk Reduction – Turkey
Wetlands International will actively participate in the 2017 European Forum Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR) Open Forum that will take place in Istanbul, Turkey from 26 to 28 March 2017. Jane Madgwick, CEO of Wetlands International, will chair a session. More info will follow. The programme can be checked here: EFDRR Open Forum 2017 -agenda 20170203
The 2017 EFDRR Open Forum is the multi-stakeholder forum for disaster risk community in Europe and brings together Governments, the UN, parliamentarians, mayors, intergovernmental organizations, scientific and academic institutions, private businesses, NGOs, community based organizations and others.
The 2017 meeting chaired by the Government of Turkey aims to reinforce political commitment generate solutions and partnership as well as address the carrying out of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction including through the implementation of the EFDRR Road Map. The 2017 EFDRR Open Forum will take stock of progress in implementing the Sendai Framework in Europe and will identify measures to accelerate the reduction of disasters
The 2017 EFDRR Open Forum happens less than two month before the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (22-26 May 2017, Cancun, Mexico) and therefore presents a great opportunity to gather Europe preparatory considerations.
All relevant information and registration for the 2017 EFDRR Open Forum can be found at http://efdrrturkey.org