
Flyway trends for waterbird species important in lakes Ijsselmeer and Markermeer

The Lakes IJsselmeer and Markermeer form the largest fresh water lake complex in the Netherlands. They have a very important function for waterbirds as breeding, moulting, migration and wintering […]


Why LULUCF cannot ensure that bioenergy reduces emissions

This briefing launched by 11 NGOs contains an analysis of the reasons ‘Why LULUCF cannot ensure that bioenergy reduces emissions’ and a series of recommendations to […]


Fluvial territory: Restoration space

This technical note on river restoration explores the concept of Fluvial Territory as a space of sufficient width and continuity to retain or regain the […]


River Sinuosity Index: Geomorphological characterisation

Technical note on river restoration This technical notes on river restoration explores the concept of sinuosity. Sinuosity is used to define the degree of meandering […]


Channel gradient: Calculation process using GIS

Technical note on river restoration This technical note on river restoration adresses the calculation of river channel gradients using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The channel […]


What is river restoration?

Technical note on river restoration This technical note explores the concept of river restoration, addressing it as a process to re-establish or recover a natural […]


How can a river be hydrologically restored?

Technical note on river restoration This technical note on river restoration discusses how hydrological restoration should be incorporated in river restoration, and which are the […]


Risky business: Integrated solutions for expanding coastal cities

Hasty, business-as-usual solutions to managing disaster risks in expanding coastal cities can undermine sustainable development and actually put people, urban infrastructure and valuable land at greater risk. Integrated Risk […]


Act now on wetlands for Agenda 2030 – Infographic

In 2015, world leaders committed to achieving the 17 goals of the United National 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs). […]


Act now on wetlands for Agenda 2030

All major global policy agreements conclude: wetlands are vital ecosystems in the landscape and are indispensable to achieve a sustainable and secure world. This policy […]