Upcoming TEN-S webinar : “Monitoring European Swimways”
Salmons, eels, trouts, shads, sturgeons and many other fish species migrate in our European rivers.
Monitoring their movements is a fascinating and key element of migratory freshwater fish conservation and this will be the theme of our next Trans-European Swimways Network (TEN-S) webinar!

The Trans-European Swimways Programme aims at identifying and enhancing conservation measures for migratory freshwater fishes along Swimways – corridors allowing migratory freshwater fishes to complete their life cycles. To be effective, such an endeavour must be tailored to the ecological requirements of each migratory freshwater fish species. We need to understand migratory behaviour, habitats distribution, identify breeding and feeding grounds and measure the effects of barriers or mitigation measures on species. This knowledge is necessary for effective conservation measures, and can be obtained thanks to monitoring work carried out by passionate practitioners in the field.
Join us on Thursday 30 November from 10:30 – 12:00 CET, as we discuss how migratory freshwater fish in Europe are being tracked, how citizen science can play a part, and what problems still exist for measuring these species’ movements in our European swimways. We will explore the issue of migratory freshwater fishes’ movements and aquatic connectivity through telemetry and eDNA monitoring case studies. You can register for this free online event here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kf-iorDgrEtVmlvVoxlu-O9d6w3W-Kqpa.