
WANTED!!! Global Europe Intern position available

We are looking for a student to support the work package 5 on the EU’s Global policies, from July to December 2024. The intern would […]


Limiting environmental damage, human rights abuses and Indigenous Peoples’ rights violations: Civil society guidelines for the implementation of the EU Critical Raw Materials Regulation

Wetlands International Europe together with  multiple civil society organizations comprising the Raw Materials Coalition drafted guidelines for the implementation of the EU Critical Raw Materials […]


CALL TO ACTION: EU Wetland Partnerships Initiative

Healthy wetlands offer economic opportunities, support jobs, and provide livelihoods, but they are being lost. Business as usual is not working. We need international partnerships […]


Written feedback to the 6th consultative discussion on the implementation of the EU RMIP for Sub-Saharan Africa

Wetlands International Europe participated in the sixth consultative discussion with CSOs and ALAs on the implementation of the EU RMIP for Sub-Saharan Africa held on […]


Open Letter to Ursula von der Leyen: Concerns about Commission’s proposal to extend Derogations to GAEC 8 under CAP

27 NGOs have aligned to publish an open letter to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. The organisations express their serious concerns […]


Wet Nature, Dry Feet – How nature-based solutions can improve water management

The flood disaster of 2021 was one of the most impactful event of the year in Germany and some affected border areas of Belgium and […]


Call for Abstract : Nature Based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction session at the International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World

Call for abstract: Abstract submission for the 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World. Researchers, practitioners, policy officers and -makers […]


Wetlands International Europe – part of the Global Gateway Civil Society and Local Authorities Dialogue Platform

Wetlands International Europe has been chosen as a member of the Global Gateway Civil Society and Local Authorities Dialogue Platform (GG Dialogue Platform). The Policy […]


Event: Mediterranean Wetlands as Carbon Sinks – LIFE Wetlands4Climate Seminar on 16.11.2023

Wetlands serve as natural reservoirs that absorb and store carbon and thus deserve particular attention in the light of climate change. Recently, the LIFE Wetlands4Climate […]


Wetlands as game-changers for climate change mitigation and adaptation

This article was co-written by members of MYRIAD-EU from CICERO (Anne Sophie Daloz, Lin Ma and Miriam Stackpole Dahl) and Wetlands International Europe (Michelle Zheng […]