
MYRIAD-EU: Creating a risk management paradigm shift

On 14 June, we organised an internal informative lunch session on a H2020 project we are part of as sectoral representative for ecosystems: MYRIAD-EU. MYRIAD-EU’s […]


Europe and its peatlands need the Nature Restoration Law

Recent political developments are putting the proposed EU Nature Restoration Law at risk, with certain politicians citing largely misleading arguments about food security, its impact […]


Take action to #RestoreNature

Nature is essential to our survival. To prevent the increasing fires across the continent. To resist the floods destroying European homes and livelihoods. To generate […]


World Water Day: The water impacts of lithium extraction

Today marks World Water Day, an annual event celebrating the most precious resource for people and nature. The same day, governments, including the EU, are […]


Recommendations for the Asia-Pacific Regional Multi-Annual Indicative Programme

At the beginning of March, the Directorate General for International Partnerships organised a virtual discussion to follow up on the implementation of the Multi-annual Indicative […]


The role of wetlands in EU Programming plans in Africa – Briefing

This briefing highlights the role of wetlands and Wetlands International’s work in EU programming plans in Africa. The main aim of the operational briefing is […]


The case for including wetlands in new EU rules on deforestation-free supply chains

The European Parliament and Council today reached a provisional agreement on an EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains. The text fails to include wetlands and […]


New EU carbon removal certification rules should protect nature, wetlands

New EU rules on certifications for carbon removals can help to mobilise private sector funding for the restoration of wetlands, however EU legislators need to […]


Upscaling community resilience through ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction

From 6 to 18 November countries met in Egypt at the UN Climate Conference, COP27 to discuss climate adaptation and mitigation opportunities to achieve the […]


Civil society, European Commission discuss wetlands for community resilience ahead of EU-AU Commission-to-Commission meeting

On 28 November, Wetlands International Europe contributed to round 3 (‘Building resilience for people through sustainable food systems, tackling climate and environmental crises, and humanitarian […]