
Governments urged to reverse worldwide wetland loss

Wetlands International advocates a focus on a key role for wetlands in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and for strengthening resolutions on peatlands and on […]



Understanding the economic and social value of ecosystem services in a river system can help prioritise river restoration projects. Currently, public administrations rarely consider river […]


FISH PASSES: fish ladders and other pass systems

Since the middle of the 20th century, humans have significantly altered the hydrological and hydraulic system of European rivers, with (hydropower) dams, dredging, rectifications, channelling, […]


Stepping up action for wetlands worldwide

We are releasing Wetland Solutions for People and Nature, our Strategic Intent for 2015 – 2025. Around the world, wetlands are under growing pressure. Implementing […]


Birds and energy, why it matters on World Migratory Bird Day

World Migratory Bird Day takes place 9-10 May. The theme of this year’s annual awareness-raising day is “Energy – make it bird-friendly!” Energy development is […]


Pitfalls and potentials: The role of bioenergy in the EU climate and energy policy post 2020

This joint NGO briefing contains an analysis of the current and potential role of bioenergy in the European Union’s climate and energy policies, and a […]


New PNAS article: Wise use of peatsoils essential for tackling climate change

An international group of scientists from Vrije Universiteit and Wageningen University has calculated and modeled the potential effects of the exploitation of peatsoils on the […]


Wetland Solutions for People and Nature

This Strategic Intent for 2015 – 2025 is the highest level guide to our work. It sets out the ambitions of Wetlands International in terms of what we aim to […]


Countries turn to Ecosystems to Reduce Disaster Risk

As HFA2 negotiations continue, governments, private sector and practitioners commit to advance ecosystem disaster risk reduction at the Third World Conference on DRR. Sendai, Japan […]


Focus op beter waterbeheer en ecosysteemherstel op VN top Rampenbestrijding hard nodig

Sendai, Japan – De aanpak van rampen zoals overstromingen en droogtes moet zich veel meer richten op het duurzamer gebruik en herstel van ecosystemen zoals wetlands. […]