
Focus on better water management and ecosystem restoration urgent at UN summit on Disasters

Sendai, Japan – Tackling disasters such as floods and droughts should focus much more on the sustainable use and restoration of ecosystems such as wetlands, states […]


Migratory Birds for People Programme

The Migratory Birds for People programme consists of over 30 partner wetland visitor centres across Europe and West Africa, forming a network that follows the […]


The challenge of restoring rivers, short

Short video produced by Wetlands International – European Association and the Iberian Centre for River Restoration (CIREF) to illustrate the need for river restoration, the […]


WASH IT! alliance: one of 25 strategic partners of Dutch Ministry Foreign Affairs

The WASH IT! alliance was delighted to learn that it was selected as one of 25 strategic partners of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for […]


Towards sustainable management of huntable migratory waterbirds in Europe

This report presents the case for adopting the principles of adaptive harvest management framework for waterbird populations in the EU, and even at the flyway scale. […]


Why do we care about wetlands?

Throughout history wetlands have been integral to human survival and development. How? Simple: Wetlands are life – food, water, fibre. We depend on them – people, […]


The challenge of restoring rivers

This video was produced by Wetlands International – European Association and the Iberian Centre for River Restoration (CIREF) to illustrate the need for river restoration, […]


Certification and Beyond

A documentary film discussing solutions for responsible agro-commodity governance


Joint NGO letter on the environment, climate and social impacts of biofuels

This joint NGO letter was sent to the Members of the Environment Committee in the European Parliament to urge them to raise the environmental, climate […]

Wetlands International’s inputs to the ENVI Committee’s draft 2nd reading report on ILUC

Wetlands International welcomes the transition towards the sustainable production and consumption of bioenergy which delivers substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) savings compared to fossil fuels. As […]