
CALL TO ACTION: Letter to Exec. Vice President Timmermans on changes in the CAP trialogue

On 12 May 2021, a broad network of conservationists, scientists and farmers caring for wetlands and peatlands across the EU sent a letter to the […]


REGISTER NOW: Water, Wetlands & Fires: Innovative solutions for Green Recovery in South America

On the occasion of the World Environment Day in June, dedicated this year to ecosystem restoration, and that will also mark the launch of the […]


Calling for the full implementation of the nature protection commitments in the Biodiversity Strategy

Wetlands International Europe together with members of the European Habitats Forum have sent an open letter to the European Commission, the Presidency of the Council […]

Trends of breeding waterbird populations in Europe based on the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme data, 2020

Trends of breeding waterbird populations in Europe based on the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme data, 2020


Policy Briefing on Peatland Restoration Targets

With this briefing, Wetlands International Europe together with conservationists, scientists and farmers caring for wetlands and peatlands across the EU, aim at contributing to the […]


Release: Legal Toolkit to protect rivers from hydropower development

We are happy to announce the release of our “Toolkit on how to use EU and international environmental law to protect rivers from hydropower development”. […]


EU development programming for biodiversity and climate must heed people’s voices

The EU is the world’s largest aid donor and a major political actor with a strong influence over global policies. The EU recognises civil society […]


Natural sponge effects in the German Middle Mountains

This EU JRC-funded study examined the potential for natural retention in an upper catchment of the Rhine River as a nature-based solution to reduce flood […]


Webinar on Legal Tools to Protect Rivers from Hydropower Development

For years, activists and civil society organisations have been arguing against the further damming of Europe’s remaining free-flowing rivers. In particular, the construction of new […]


Submission to the EC public consultation on biodiversity

The European Commission is working to put forward legally binding targets for ecosystem restoration by the end of 2021, which will restore damaged ecosystems by […]