
EVENT- The river Sava: Threats and restoration potential

On 28 March 2017, our Member EuroNatur Foundation will launch the ‘Sava White Book: The Sava River Basin – its ecological character, main threats and restoration […]

Eighth Woodcock and Snipe Workshop

The Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos (CIBIO-InBIO, Portugal), the Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage (ONCFS, France), Wetlands […]


Working with Nature for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. Let’s help nature to help us

The recognition of the role of wetlands for disaster risk reduction was key at the lunch conference organized by Wetlands International European Association and the […]


Why we count waterbirds for wetland management

In the last week, over 10,000 birders in 150 countries have set off for the International Waterbird Census (IWC).


Returning to Barr Al Hikman

As part of our celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the International Waterbird Census in January 2016, an international survey team led by Wetlands International […]


Wintering waterbirds caught up in harsh weather in Southeastern Europe

The 51st International Waterbird Census has taken place across Europe during the weekend. Field teams in Southeastern Europe have encountered enormous difficulties, dangerous roads and frozen […]

Case study

Restoration of marshes in the Rhine basin for flood and drought risk reduction

Natural water retention measures can help reduce flood and drought risks in Europe. Restoration of the water storage capacity of marshes in the upstream section […]


No more biomass for biofuel, biogas, bioliquids and bioenergy from drained peatlands

Despite the recognized importance of peatlands, they are subject to degradation worldwide. In tropical areas, peatlands are being converted and drained mainly for agriculture, predominantly […]


Wetlands International on the European Commission’s conclusions on the Fitness Check of nature legislation

Brussels – This morning, the European Commission decided on the follow-up to the Fitness Check of the EU Birds and Habitats Directives. Wetlands International – […]


The EU’s lack of courage to phase out biofuels from food crops

Brussels, 30 Nov 2016. The European Commission has just released the Clean Energy Package,  which includes a proposal for the revised Renewable Energy Directive. We […]