
Eels – “The Great Travellers of the Mediterranean Lagoons”

The European eel is an emblematic species of Mediterranean lagoons, but it is also found in a wide variety of habitats. This species, with its […]



Nature as we know it is heading towards extinction. And it’s because of human activity. Logging, intensive agriculture and overfishing have pushed one million animal […]

Case study

Wetland restoration scenarios to determine ecosystem services trade-offs

Restoration of the sponge function in wetland soils in sub catchments of larger river systems is a nature-based solution for flood mitigation and drought prevention […]


A definition of paludiculture in the CAP

  Drainage-based agriculture on peatland causes enormous economic and environmental losses through CO2 emissions (~25 % of EU agricultural emissions from 3 % of EU […]


REGISTRATION IS OPEN! The 2021 European River Symposium

REGISTER NOW! After the success in 2013 and 2016, the European River Symposium is coming back in 2021 to create an even stronger partnership for […]


Mires of Poleski National Park at risk due to mining plans

Mires of the Poleski National Park are at risk due to mining plans in the Lubelskie Coal Basin. The Australian company Balamara is making progress […]


Time for a new recipe for flood risk management in Europe

The EU Floods Directive requires Member States to assess if all water courses and coast lines are at risk from flooding, to map the flood […]


Wetlands International at the Climate Adaptation Summit

On January 25-26 the Climate Adaptation Summit takes place online at Wetlands International organises two new large initiatives through formal CAS side events and […]


Launch of MOOC – Webinar

In celebration of the MOOC launch, we are excited to participate in a special high-level event with PEDRR (Partnership for Environment and DRR) partners and […]


Wetlands International congratulates the Irish Government’s inspiring leadership in making wetlands core to climate action

The Irish government has taken bold steps to make its wetlands a core part of its climate action – a move which Wetlands International and […]