

Find contact details for our Europe offices.


Innovative solutions to reduce emissions from coastal engineering

One of the greatest challenges in coastal engineering is reducing the carbon footprint, according to Sander Dekker and Hedwig Thorborg – who are working with […]


Netherlands signs new partnership with civil society to help disaster-prone regions

UNFCCC COP21, Paris – Minister Ploumen of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation signed an agreement for a new five-year ‘strategic partnership’ with five Dutch agencies […]


Joint paper on the Action for Biodiversity in the EU and the Fitness Check of the Birds and Habitats Directives

This joint NGO position paper argues that while a lot remains to be done in Europe to halt biodiversity loss and restore damaged ecosystems, the […]



The Supervisory Council supervises the general course of affairs within Wetlands International and oversees the implementation of its policies and Strategy. The Supervisory Council also appoints the members of the Management Board. Read more...



Our members are European NGOs, working together to raise awareness about wetland ecosystems and to advocate the sustainable use of wetlands for people and nature, in particular by linking science, policy and practice.


Our Accountability

Transparency and accountability towards our stakeholders belong to our core values; this includes actively seeking feedback on our performance. Read more...


Vision and Mission

A world where wetlands are treasured and nurtured for their beauty, the life they support and the resources they provide. Read more...


We are an independent, not-for-profit organisation with 13 members from nine European countries. Our vision is a world where wetlands are treasured and nurtured for […]


How We Work

Wetlands are as vital to the planet as rainforests. That is why we are dedicated to their conservation and restoration. We do this by understanding and tackling the underlying causes of wetland loss and damage. Our knowledge-base and advocacy enables action to safeguard and restore wetlands, and to use them in sustainable ways. Read more...