
REGISTRATION IS OPEN! The 2021 European River Symposium

REGISTER NOW! After the success in 2013 and 2016, the European River Symposium is coming back in 2021 to create an even stronger partnership for […]


Time for a new recipe for flood risk management in Europe

The EU Floods Directive requires Member States to assess if all water courses and coast lines are at risk from flooding, to map the flood […]


New publication: Transborder cooperation of shared river basins under the Albufeira Convention

The Albufeira Convention between Spain and Portugal is geared towards cooperation on water quantity in addition to water quality aspects but less so on the […]


Feedback on the revision of the EU Energy and Environmental State aid guidelines

Wetlands International asks the European Commission to prevent environmentally harmful subsidies in the Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy (EEAG) that will […]


New EU Inland Waterway Development Action Plan must adhere to legal water protection requirements

The European Green Deal announced measures to increase the capacity of inland waterways to ‘shift a substantial part of inland freight from road onto rail […]


European Parliament signals to Commission and Member States: better compliance with EU water law needed

Today, the European Parliament’s Plenary has voted in favour of a Motion for Resolution on the Implementation of the EU water legislation. MEPs call on […]


We are now members of CONCORD!

Wetlands International – European Association are proud to share that we have become members of CONCORD – a European confederation of NGO’s working within relief […]

Case study

Case study: River Restoration – River Glaven

The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) advocates for the protection and restoration of rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and riverine wetlands. There is a demonstrable impact […]

Case study

An in-depth analysis of Natural Water Retention measures in the Rhine basin

The International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine states that the Rhine has lost 85% of its floodplains. Through time, people have drained sloping hills […]


Rivers as Lifelines conference: key messages and points for action for the EU and Member States

On 15th of October, Wetlands International Europe and The Nature Conservancy Europe hosted the conference and webinar ‘Rivers as Lifelines’, an EU Green Week and […]